WATCH: School Issues in Dublin South Central.

Deputy Costello:

There is a significant problem with how we are building and providing schools. This is not just an issue in Dublin South-Central, but the major problems in that constituency are emblematic. Our Lady of Hope School has no PE hall. Setanta Special School was due to be completed in 2020, but the latest date given is now quarter 3 of 2025. It shares rooms with Riverview Educate Together National School, which has no PE hall and is itself pressed for space. There is a refusal by the Department of Education to provide a Gaelcholáiste for Dublin 8 despite there being the numbers for one. Indeed, there is a refusal by the Department to provide any secondary school for Dublin 8 despite the fact that the standards set out by it are met. There is a refusal to provide a Gaelscoil in the Dublin 10 and 12 areas.

I have just raised six or seven issues. The Department of Education is not providing—-

An Ceann Comhairle: I am sorry, but the Deputy can only ask a question about one issue. If he wants to table a Topical Issue about schools generally in his constituency, I will happily take that.

Taoiseach: In that vein, let me take the question as one about school supply in Dublin South-Central. I thank the Deputy for raising a number of schools, including Our Lady of Hope School and Setanta Special School, the need for Gaelcholáistí in Dublin 8, 10 and 12, and the need for a secondary school more generally. I will raise each of these issues with the Minister, Deputy Foley. Obviously, we have allocated a very significant amount of capital to schools building projects and I will seek an update and, perhaps, a meeting for the Deputy on these matters.