WATCH: New schools needed for Dublin South Central.

Deputy Costello: I raise the issue of school provision in Dublin South-Central. While the small increase in variety with Synge Street becoming a Gaelcholáiste has been welcome, there is still no Gaelcholáiste for Dublin 10 or Dublin 12 and no non-denominational, non-religious school for Dublin 8. These issues need to be fixed and the Department…

WATCH: School Issues in Dublin South Central.

Deputy Costello: There is a significant problem with how we are building and providing schools. This is not just an issue in Dublin South-Central, but the major problems in that constituency are emblematic. Our Lady of Hope School has no PE hall. Setanta Special School was due to be completed in 2020, but the latest…

STATEMENT: Costello calls on Minister to expediate expanded licencing hours.

Deputy Patrick Costello was today speaking as he hosted the ‘Give Us The Night’ in Leinster House for a briefing for political community. He began, “In Government the Green Party, and in particular Minister Catherine Martin, have prioritised the arts and nightlife. We have established the hugely popular UBI scheme for artists and the nighttime…

STATEMENT: ‘The injustice of Natasha O’Brien’s case has shown Prosecutors should be given greater role in sentencing’

Green Party Justice Spokesperson Patrick Costello called for better balance in sentencing by removing restrictions on Prosecutors. “Natasha O’Brien has shown great bravery, in first calling out homophobic harassment and in speaking out and standing up against violence. The state needs to show the same bravery in reforming sentencing. The process of sentencing needs reform…

WATCH: Drimnagh Primary Health Centre

Full Transcript: Deputy Costello: I want to raise the important issue of the primary care centre for Drimnagh, which has been repeatedly delayed. There has been significant development of housing in Drimnagh, which is very welcome, but it is massively increasing the population and the pressure on the limited spaces that exist. Currently, we have…

WATCH: Recogntion of Palestine – Full Speech

Full text: Like others I think this is a hopeful day, and a day to celebrate. I was working in Palestine in 2014 when Sweden recognised the Palestinian state. I witnessed first-hand the hope and joy of the Palestinians around me, with Swedish flags appearing on taxis and everywhere. It was a celebration. It was…