Full Transcript:
Deputy Costello: I want to raise the important issue of the primary care centre for Drimnagh, which has been repeatedly delayed. There has been significant development of housing in Drimnagh, which is very welcome, but it is massively increasing the population and the pressure on the limited spaces that exist. Currently, we have senior citizens travelling from Drimnagh to Naas for ophthalmology services. There is a site earmarked for the development of a Drimnagh primary care centre but the development just seems to be moving at a snail’s pace. I ask the Government to get on to the HSE and try to push this along. So far, there has been zero engagement or liaison with the community in Drimnagh about what facilities are needed, what would be available or how this can be shaped to actually meet the needs of a growing community there.
Taoiseach: I thank Deputy Costello for raising the issue of the need for a primary care centre for Drimnagh. I will follow up with the HSE directly. As the Deputy says, a site was identified. I will seek an update for him on timelines and on that piece regarding engagement in terms of the facilities and services that are needed.