Green Party call for Publication of St John’s Ambulance report on Historic Sexual Abuse. Patrick Costello, Green Party Spokesperson for Justice secured at last nights parliamentary party meeting the full backing of the party to support his call for St. John’s Ambulance to publish immediately their report on historic child sexual abuse in the organisation. …
Month: January 2023
WATCH: Exploitation of Migrant Fishing Workers in Ireland
Transcript: Deputy Patrick Costello: In December last year, Noteworthy produced a series of reports investigating the exploitation and abuse of migrant fisherman in the Irish fishing industry. This morning in the audiovisual room, I hosted Maria Delaney, the journalist who undertook that investigation, along with Migrant Rights Centre Ireland and the International Transport Workers’ Federation…
STATEMENT: Costello welcomes new laws to protect young people from coercion into crime.
Green Party TD and Justice spokesperson Patrick Costello today has welcomed the publication of the Criminal Justice (Engagement of Children in Criminal Activity) Bill 2022. The bill will criminalise coercion of young people into crime by adults. He began, “As a former social worker I have seen first hand the challenges faced by our young…