Patrick Costello TD issued the following statement in relation to the predicted grades process being carried out in relation to the 2020 Leaving Certificate results:
“I have written to the Minister for Education asking for the algorithm for Ireland’s Leaving Certificate grades to be published in the interest of transparency. In the last few days, we have seen major upset among students in the UK and Scotland after their predicted grading policy was seen to disproportionately affect students in disadvantaged areas.
Data suggests that fee-paying private schools disproportionately benefited from the algorithm used. These schools saw the amount of grades A and above increase by 4.7 percent compared to last year. State-funded schools saw an increase of less than half of that at 2 percent.
We cannot repeat the mistakes of England and Scotland. Students have had an incredibly difficult year which has severely impacted the mental health of many. We must assure them that fairness is guaranteed in the grading process.”
Further press coverage of my statement can be found here.