Green Party call for Publication of St John’s Ambulance report on Historic Sexual Abuse.
Patrick Costello, Green Party Spokesperson for Justice secured at last nights parliamentary party meeting the full backing of the party to support his call for St. John’s Ambulance to publish immediately their report on historic child sexual abuse in the organisation.
Costello said “I have said already it is essential for justice, transparency and for victims healing that this report is released. My colleagues in the parliamentary party stand with me on this and add their voices to that call”.
The report has been written by Dr. Geoffrey Shannon to examine the numerous allegations around historic child sexual abuse within St. John’s Ambulance. Dr. Geoffrey Shannon is an expert on child protection and a former Government Special Rapporteur for Child Protection.
Patrick Costello concluded “victims of sexual abuse in St. John’s Ambulance are calling for justice, and establishing the truth of what happened is the first step. There can be no healing for them without justice. The failure to publish this report is continuing needlessly their trauma and pain”.